Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

Late.  Again.
1.  After school is my witching hour.  I haven't seen Jay and Emory all day and yet I can be upset with them before we even get home.  "Why did you make us bring our lunch today?  It was bacon cheeseburger day and that's my favorite."  "Why can't we go to Dairy Queen?"  And then homework time.  It can be gruelling.  I have tried to plan my meals so I cook in the morning and can totally be available after school for homework.  I don't know if they have just been trying so hard to be "good" at school that they have nothing left when they get home but the attitudes I get are hard to take.  Draining. 
2.  Confession.  I spend too much time on the computer. 
3. Today has been a hard day. 
4.  I am reading a marriage book called Love and War.  It is really good.  They reminded me that marriage is two sinners living together.  Trying to glorify God in everything, while living in an imperfect world. God uses marriage to shape us. No one is perfect. 
5.  We are starting our new church next week. 
6.  Composting and recycling were hard to manage until I figured out that the tiny people that live in my house are fully capable of doing this chore. 
7.  It's hard to do this list when I am not in a good mood.
8.  Add to my list of de-stressers-  hula hooping (pencil sharpening is my other one).  These are my hoops. I made them.  They make me happy.

9.  Today I am really missing beach life.  It's so slow at the beach.  I am trying to live slowly in a fast world and it's not easy. 
10.  I'll try to do better next week.  This 10 bites.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

it doesn't bite. it's real. thanks.