Thursday, February 7, 2008

Real Mom Stuff

2:11 am
jay: Mom I need a tissue. (he is on the top bunk so getting down is way too much trouble)
I go to his room with tissue in hand.
jay: Something is crawling on the ceiling.
I look and see a *medium size roach. It's Macon, we have roaches no matter where you live but for the person in the top bunk this is way too close.
I get a swiffer, hit the roach, it falls to the ground and I hit it again. I then get the tissue and pick it up and flush it.
jay: Mom I still need a tissue.
I hand him a sock off of the floor.
me: Just use this and I'll wash it tommorow.
This is the real life of a mom.
*If it had been a giant roach I would have immediately woke Jason up. I do NOT do big ones.


Andrea said...

That is so funny!!
I am so glad I am not the only mom who does that: yes I even hand them dishtowels in the kitchen for runny noses!! ew.

HJW said...

Hilarious...Love the "mom I STILL need a tissue!" Take a nap today-ha!

CONNIE W said...

You left a comment on my blog about the "Names of God" counted cross stitch pattern. I'm just stopping by to tell you that I'm still looking for the pattern, I haven't forgotten you but I also still haven't found it. I will keep looking though. Thanks.
Connie W